Archive of UserLand's first discussion group, started October 5, 1998.

Re: system.paths and guest databases

Author:Kit Tempest
Posted:5/31/2000; 9:12:03 AM
Topic:system.paths and guest databases
Msg #:17496 (In response to 4850)
Prev/Next:17495 / 17497

Hmmm...well I had created a whole suite for things I have filemaker do, and had added to the paths list so I could use calls such as mEudora.zeroWindow () rather than the whole suites.mySuite.mEudora.zeroWindow () ... it worked fine until I wanted to have my suite as a separate file, because, of course, having a path address reference outside the root database crashes it. (i.e, that would look like @["Tempest:Applications:Database Spreadsheet:UserLand Frontierâ„¢:Frontier:Guest Databases:www:KitSuite.root"].KitSuite.Scripts.mEudora).

Now, of course, having to make a call like ["Tempest:Applications:Database Spreadsheet:UserLand Frontierâ„¢:Frontier:Guest Databases:www:KitSuite.root"].KitSuite.Scripts.mEudora.zeroWindow () is even less desirable. Any workarounds for this?

I'm not even using frontier to compile webpages with this script. It's called with QuickKeys from various applications and straightens and cleans up their windows.

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